“I-Doser makes no medical, psychological, physical, or otherwise, claims to the effectiveness of the I-Doser Application or it's included or purchased doses. Indeed, away from the enticing product blurbs, even the I-Doser website backs away from claims that its products might have any tangible effect. Historically the droning binaural beats based on alpha and delta waves have been used to support some meditation and relaxation activities - but the scientific consensus seems to be that they simply impact your mood in the same way relaxing music might. “The earlier you find yourself in that culture the more problems you are likely to have in the future,” Dillon said. Gates of Hades is a Action/Adventure game that is inspired by the Battle of Thermopylae legend and the 300 Spartan Warriors story where an alliance of Spartan Hoplites, Athenian and Arcadian warriors form a defense against the Persian invasion of Greece and win against the Persian invasion forces who wanted to win Greece for themselves. That is a very sad part of this that they are targeting the group most vulnerable - the young who see this as being a cool thing to do,” said Paul Dillon, founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia. “We are seeing drug culture seep more and more into the youth market, where people can make a quick buck.

“Safe, effective, and legal alternative to recreational and prescription drugs,” is how one I-Doser website describes its wares, but drug abuse experts are not concerned so much with the content of the downloads as the drug culture they promote to young and susceptible minds. National and NSW education officials say they have not yet seen any reports of school children downloading “digital drugs” in Australia, but drug abuse experts say it is only a matter of time before the craze catches on here. While there is little scientific evidence to back up some of the outlandish claims on iDose websites – some schools in the US have written letters to parents and banned iPods and phones to block students from accessing them.