Second life bento skeleton download
Second life bento skeleton download

second life bento skeleton download
  1. #Second life bento skeleton download how to#
  2. #Second life bento skeleton download update#
  3. #Second life bento skeleton download software#
  4. #Second life bento skeleton download free#

#Second life bento skeleton download free#

I found a link to Notepad++, free software, very nice.

#Second life bento skeleton download software#

You can see this information by opening a dae file in text editing software to view the xml code that makes up a collada file. Six of the sixteen numbers are actually used in our case: x,y,z coordinates for rotation and scale.

#Second life bento skeleton download how to#

, the birthplace and home of collada, has this to say: “The bind shape matrix describes how to transform the geometry into the right coordinate system for use with the joints.” Turns out that means that a 16 number string in a collada file can be arranged into a 4×4 matrix, listing them down by columns, to get the x,y,z coordinates row by row. Especially when I realized that this is not difficult, this is obfuscation. I got irritated and frustrated not finding answers clearly written anywhere, by anyone. I’m telling you all this, instead posting a simple answer (ha! there isn’t one!), because we’re all working with fast changing software, and having even a small understanding of what’s going on under the hood helps when things go wrong with the next upgrade. I scoured old SL blogs, whined at forums, you know the drill.

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I certainly have had plenty of dumbly moments. I figured, at the current international rates for a CG artist like me, I could spend a week on this and not feel dumb. If you clicked on the Maya link above you may have noticed that it currently costs over $1600 U.S. A lot of people want to do just that, so this is important. And to make fitted mesh clothing and mesh bodies so that the inworld sliders work and people can give their avatars more muscle or bigger boobs. They’re also used for the morphs in the Appearance sliders for muscles, boobs, butts and bellies. The collision bones, called volume bones, in the Second Life/OpenSim avatars are volumes that keep avatars from walking through each other.

second life bento skeleton download

Bind Shape Matrix is not supported in Blender. The reason: the Second Life armature was created in Maya, with its Bind Shape Matrix settings for the collision bones. Worn on my avatar, not so good.įlat as a pancake. This is Roth, of the RuthAndRoth OpenSim Collaboration. When we try to use the volume aka “fitted” bones, without adding some custom settings to the bones, bad things happen. It’s not that difficult to export rigged mesh from Blender that only uses the mBones. Designers like to make clothing and other accessories in 3d modeling programs, such as 3dMax, Maya and Blender, rig them to the armature and import them to the virtual game for avatars to wear. There are also 56 attachment points, linked to the movement bones. Each of the volume bones is clamped to a movement bones and some movement bones have more than one volume bone attached to it. It now sports 139 movement bones (“mBones”) and 28 volume bones. Not reworked or nor redesigned, bones added. The armature we’re working with started as a simple rig in Linden Lab c.2004 and has had much added to it since. I figure it’ll always be out of date, and not much I can do about that. I started this blog in January 2020, and keep updating it. So, got to figure out how to do it manually. I’ve been working on tiny avatars lately, where the issues got, well, critical.

#Second life bento skeleton download update#

Recently I’ve gotten a few requests to update the information in this blog and my files. Problem: The Avastar plugin that we have relied on through Blender 2.79 for working on and exporting the rigging for mesh clothing and avatars for Second Life and OpenSim grids (“SL” and “OS” to our friends), is still in beta and breaks easily. All things we need for making rigged mesh avatars, characters, and costumes. I’m doing modeling, retopology, UV mapping and vertex weight painting easier and faster. I love the new software, after I get used to it. 2.80 was the big one – a complete overhaul of the interface came out last fall. Blender 2.91 (as of Oct 2020) is the most recent stable release, and the one I’m using now. It’s not easy keeping up with Blender upgrades lately.

Second life bento skeleton download